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Energy-efficient solutions - Window insulation


Why would you waste your own money?
Do not waste energy either!

Your costs of heating could be reduced by 25-30% with a brand new insulation technology;
in that way you could be able to save serious money every year!

There is no need to buy new and expensive doors and windows because

Our company could insulate your old doors and windows (either wooden, metal or plastic) with a brand new technology for insulating heat, sound, dust and water, even with 0, 1-4 cm faults with the help of TEROSTAT VII profiled cauotchouc.

This kind of material was developed in Germany and happens to be very efficient and versatile:

- it is used between the degrees -40 C and +120 C
- it is never shrinking or cracking
- it is free of solvent
- permanently plastic
- waterproof
- arbitrarily colourable
- no harm for human health
We offer a quick, clean and professional work!
Your home will be 3-6 C warmer and your purse will remain thicker with even 25-30% energy-savings.
Warranty is included!
This insulation technology could mean energy-efficiency for your home in the next 10-15 years!
In case of additional painting this lasting time could double!

The waste of energy because of incorrect doors and windows could either be 25-30%. If you decide to live energy-efficiently and save money, your investments could show a return the following winter. Our warranty lasts one year.

Prices available:

wooden doors and windows: 1.600 HUF /fm + VAT
metal and plastic doors and windows: 2.000 HUF /fm + VAT
door case and window sill grouting: 2.000 HUF/ fm + VAT


In case of insulating the whole house we can offer a 20% discount from the price.
In the territory of Hungary we do not levy charges on transport.
After the warranty time is over, we are still able to service your doors and windows at the price of the given year; minimum price is 20.000 HUF + VAT. In that case insulation is not for free and we also levy material costs.


For any further information, please contact us!
(Our company has a reference of 15 years)!


Hungarian Skyline Bt. 2009
+36 30 / 9462-562 | design
nyitólap e-mail